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Meditation Training

1 h 20 min
63 British pounds

Service Description

There are many meditation and transmutation techniques that can be utilised to bring harmony to the Mind/Mental Body, Body & Soul. The best reasons I can give as to why it is worthwhile meditating is it is incredibly Freeing, it gives you more Peace, Joy and a Connection to your Authentic Self and Higher Levels of Consciousness For me having fewer thoughts has resulted in feeling so much happier, I have better coping skills, more resilience, more joy and peace. I absolutely love being less reactive and also appreciate when I do get triggered as that is a gold nugget to me, another part of my energy or ego I can work to heal or transmute to become even more of my authentic self. 13 Scientifically proven benefits of meditation include, Reduces Stress, Anxiety, Improves Self Image, Enhances Self Awareness, Lengthens Attention Span, Improves Memory, Promotes Rationality, Reduces Pain, can reduce Blood Pressure, Assist’s in Addiction Recovery, There are many reasons why the mental body gets out of balance. Some of them include toxins in the body, the foods we eat, unresolved emotional stress, ancestral patterns, habitual patterns, the patterns of the collective consciousness, the media we watch and read, the people we spend time with, our environment, the weather, and a lack of exercise. All of the above can cause energetic triggers within our system, which can cause the mind to spiral and run repetitive programmes, and stories, which are often worry based and can cause pain and suffering. The only moment we ever Truly have is right here right now, when we think too much or worry about the past or future we lose our connection to The Now. I work with you, using my Extensive Meditation Experience & Practise and Kinesiology to help you identify and understand your patterns and triggers and give you the Optimum Tools & Techniques, for You ( there is no 1 size fits all when it comes to meditation) to Facilitate Transmutation, Self-Awareness, the Ability to Stay Grounded and Centred in the Now & Ultimately Silence & Freedom from the Untrained Mind. Leaving you more free to enjoy life, Access Higher Levels of Consciousness, Inspiration, Flow, Empowerment, Gratitude, Joy, Peace & Happiness. This Service takes 80 Mins & can take place either in Person in Largs, Scotland or Online Via Zoom

Cancellation Policy

As a small business it would mean a lot to me, if you book a time for your session that you are committed to keeping. However I do appreciate that sometimes things happen and a reschedule is necessary. To Reschedule please give 48 hours notice by email. Less than 48 hours notice will incur a charge of £25.

Contact Details

+44 (0) 75526 27526

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