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Hello Beautiful Sovereign Soul

Nothing brings me more pleasure than your Happiness & Success (except my own of course) The intention, frequency, resonance and energy you put out along with the actions you take assists you in Feeling your Best and Achieving your Goals.


​Many things affect our Resonance and Frequency and hence our Happiness & Ability to Achieve Goals, including the food we eat, what we put into our bodies, the level of toxicity in the body, our environment, the media we consume, the trauma we carry with us and ancestral & past life energies, 


​To the aspirations we desire and what we choose to Focus on.


​Dr Bruce Lipton has clearly demonstrated through cell biology and quantum physics that our body and electromagnetic field is constantly sending out a signal to the environment and the people in it, and changes based on our thinking, beliefs, emotional skillset, unresolved emotional stress and the environment.


​Much of this is stored in the unconscious & often blocks and inhibits us from being the Full Expression of our Authentic Self and living life to our Fullest Potential


​The good news is that if the any of the above is not in Alignment with what you want to achieve and YOUR ULTIMATE HAPPINESS, all of these factors can be changed and that is what my Therapies are designed to do.


I am trained in Kinesiology, Chi Energy Healing and Traditional Chinese Medicine and use these methods to find information, check for disturbances in the body’s energetic flow and use energy healing to correct it or transmute emotional stress.


I am also an empath and intuitive which is a fabulous combination with the Kinesiology as it means I often get to the root of the issue very quickly!


​I look forward to meeting You, You Awesome Super Shiny Soul! Namaste and Have a Great Day!!





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My Story

In the year 2006 I quit my job in Accountancy, sold my house and went to India. I knew I could not stand one more minute of the mainstream system and that there simply had to be more to life then what it offered. 


I was not disappointed, as broken by the system as I was with Fibromyalgia, Depression, ill Health and Racing Thoughts, (which I later found out was caused by toxic amalgam fillings) & a Super Stressy Childhood, I had the most Amazing Time & Magical Experiences I Simply Could never have Planned nor even Imagined.


When I sold my House I had Financial Freedom from being a wage slave, I now had plenty of money in the bank and never had to think about money, whereas before, despite having a Degree in Accountancy I was living month to month pay check to pay check.


This gave me the freedom to just relax, go with the flow, enjoy life and find solutions to my physical, spiritual and mental health. At the time I didn't realise my energy and emotions also played a part in it and that those could also be healed and changed. 


I learnt in India that I really didn't need that much to be happy. I lived in a beach hut, swam most days, went for 2 massage a week, did yoga daily, spent most of my days outdoors and started to find the Right Therapies and Courses to heal myself, become Happy, have Fun and find the things I Truly Enjoy doing.


I was surrounded by other people who were mostly happy because they were on holiday or lived there and were part of the ex-pat community. I ate all of my food in restaurants, which served the most Amazing Food, My Monthly Lifestyle now cost about 1/3 of what my monthly salary had been per month in Scotland (Pre Banking Collapse). 


Once I was relaxed enough and had the space to just go with the flow, everything fell into place, I found all the right therapies to heal myself and then travelled all round South East Asia and Europe for 7 years, studying & gaining Qualifications.


I discovered some of my Gifts and Abilities and worked with an eclectic mix of people, practising a wide range of modalities which has enabled me to gain a large Tool Box of techniques and knowledge that I use in my practise today.


My Passion's (aside from Travel, the Great Outdoors and Camping) are Optimum Health, Creating an Elevated State and the Exploration of Consciousness and I have practised many different styles of Yoga, Meditation, Breath-Work, Shamanic Medicine Ceremonies as well as other movement techniques including Martial Arts, Tai Chi and Pal Dan Gum.


I am passionate about what I do and the Therapies I offer because I know the radical shifts in Health, Well Being and Consciousness that they facilitate, through the results I have had both with my clients and myself.


I went from feeling Crap Most Days with Racing Thoughts to Feeling Great Most Days and can Meditate with no Thought Easily, this is our Natural State and it is available to Everyone!


Through these experiences I have come to know that as Soul's we are All Powerful Limitless Beings having a limited experience in a physical body.


I have tried many therapies and trained in the ones that have brought about the Biggest Transformation and Changes for me


If you would like to know more about my Training in both Eastern and Western Healing Systems and how they work click here! 




Family Bike Trip
Exploring Nature



Emotional & Energy Clearing

Meditation & Relaxation

Stress & Anxiety

Achieve Goals


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